Friday, 19 February 2016

The Zulu are the largest ethnic group in South Africa. They are well known for their beautiful brightly colored beads and baskets as well as other small carvings.

The Zulu people’s language is called isiZulu. IsiZulu is part of the Nguni subgroup of the Bantu language. It is South Africa’s most widely spoken language. Many Zulus also speak several of South Africa’s eleven other official languages including English, Afrikaans, Portuguese, Shangaan, and Sesotho.

Although most Zulu people are Christian many still practice their traditional ancestor worship in conjunction with their Christian religion. Ancestor worship involves the belief that ancestor spirits exist and could effect the lives of people, for better or for worse. Two important people in a Zulu community, who help communicate and influence the spirits, are the diviner and the herbalist. The diviner communicates with the ancestor spirits and the herbalist prepares a mixture called muthi which can be eaten to help influence the ancestors. There are two basic forms of muthi: white and black. The white is accepted by society and is consumed for positi purposes such as healing. Black muthi is used for negative purposes such as causing others to become sick. Those who use black muthi are considered witches in Zulu society.