Tuesday 23 February 2016


Why  we dream that we fall?

When we fall in our dreams it really means we have lost control with some sort of situation in your life. Falling in your dream is a way your unconscious communicates with your conscious to let you know that something needs to be fixed right away. 

Dreaming that teeth are fallen

So much in the dreams as in real life, the teeth symbolize the force, safety, autoesteem and beauty. For it when we dream that they fall it wants to say that something of this fails. One of the most widespread meanings of dreaming of teeth that fall is of being afraid or to feel insecure before a recent change in our life, already be professional, sentimental or another type.

One of other most popular meanings of dreaming of teeth that fall is of presaging a death or  it can be synonymous of the growth and personal development.

Dreaming with the death

To dream with the death can be also a consequence of extreme weariness and physical depletion, which between other effects produces melancholy and disappointment for excesses in the daily life. This dream also is in the habit of happening after having lived with great enthusiasm for false optimism and big hopes, but failed all this; in consequence, the death only there symbolizes pessimism and depression passenger who will give place to new illusions and hopes. To be dreamed in agony hints that the suffering and the effort realized in his life will allow him to enjoy a better life in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, these are very interesting. Do you know any more? For example, what does it mean when you dream you fly?
