Friday 5 February 2016


  • Within the field of music it has been able to discover that there are subliminal messages.

In particular, students have found that those have been achieved through a technique called back masking, which has its origin in the decade of the 60s. This, which is to record backwards, you have hidden messages with a different purpose.
  • If you click here, you could see a clear example: 

In this video you can see a well-known nursery rhyme that may contain hidden messages which have nothing to do with the meaning of the song itself. 

  • We think that this is true but perhaps they have made some changes in interpretation, it can be interpreted in one way or another. 

Do you think that is real or do you think that is the result of a montage?

1 comment:

  1. It's incridible what can be hidden inside a song we think we knew! I remember an episode from The Simpsons talked about that. Here you have a video, it was about joining the navy.
