Friday 5 February 2016


Devil's Pool
Victoria Falls, Zambia

The Victoria Falls, on the border of Zimbawe and Zambia, attract thousands of tourists every year. One of the main draws is the Devil's Pool, a naturally formed eddy at the very edge of the falls. Between August and January, and depending on water levels, daring swimmers are allowed to splash around in the pool—a slippery rock barrier is the only thing separating them from a sky-high plunge. But isn't it worth it to snap an epic profile pic?



  1. The photo is shocking and it has made me wonder if it would be worthy to put at risk your life just for the adrenaline of being there.
    I agree that the view from there is amazing but, is it safe enough to enjoy the experience?

  2. Do you think this kind of natural phenomena are a great tourist attraction?
    By: Sara and María Luisa.
