Friday 5 February 2016


Nowadays, there are new inventions every day which make easier our life and improve it

       The 3D printing technology made its way to the technological world in the year 1986, but not gains importance until 1990. It was not that popular outside the world of engineering, architecture and manufacturing.3D printing is also known as desktop fabrication; it can form any material that can be obtained as a powder.

          For creating an object you need a digital 3D-model. You can scan a set of 3D images, or draw it using computer-assisted design.One of the most important applications of 3D printing is in the medical industry. With 3D printing, surgeons can produce mockups of parts of their patient's body which needs to be operated upon.

       3D printing make it possible to make a part from scratch in just hours. It allows designers and developers to go from flat screen to exact part.3D printing can provide great savings on assembly costs because it can print already assembled products. 3D printing is going to impact so many industries, such as automotive, medical, business and industrial equipment, education, architecture, and consumer-product industries.
3D printer-Dreamer's Delight
If you want to know more you can visit:


  1. Do you think it will improve scientific research? With that we mean that if you think that with these printers that make prototypes of human organs to improve handicapped people's life, are accurate and effective. And if we could make representations of parts of the body we are not able to see without a microscope to analyze them better.
    By: Sara and María Luisa.

  2. Which kind of 3D printigs are the most common currently?
