Friday 5 February 2016


In the first part of this stage teachers mainly teach us to read and write. To do this, teachers make a big effort because although they don´t appear it, they are the pillar of our education.

You also have to learn to do some things on your own and start solving simple math problems and started taking habits of study which are the beginning of our adaptation to the studies.

At this age, anything seems to us an adventure we want to explore on our own without the help of our parents because we think we are already grown up and we want some freedom.

Despite all this, the children continue having fun and playing with friends. This stage ends with the graduation from sixth grade.

           Universal Primary Education


  1. I think that this age is the best of our life, so the freedom is not so important because whatever thing is attractive for the children

    1. Of course you are right, we all would like to come back to this awesome age.

  2. At this age we imitate adults because we want to grow up and do the things they do. However, now we would like to come back to this age and enjoy our chilhood again. Do you think that the current educational system have influence in that behaviour?

    1. I don´t think so, it seems to me that children continue trying to imitate adults as that something innate they have.
