Friday 5 February 2016

Myth - The red thread


                     The red thread.
Do you believe in true love?  Do you believe in the destiny?  Can you imagine how would be your life if your destiny has been already written? If not, this old oriental myth will surprise you!

An oriental myth tells that the persons destined for be known have a red thread tied in his fingers. This thread never disappears and remains constant tied, in spite of the time and the distance. It is not important when do you meet this person, neither matters the time that passes without seeing her, does not even matter if you live in the top of the world: the thread will stretch up to the infinite but it  will never break.

    This thread goes with you from your birth and it will accompany you, tightened in major or minor measure, more or less tangled, along all your life.


  1. This myth is really surprising and I have never heard anything like that but if you believe this kind of stories, how can you explain the fact that several people get old alone?

    1. The reason why some people have never had a couple is because they haven't found their other half. According to this myth, those people are connected to another person but they, simply, haven't met them.

  2. I fell in love with this post, so beautiful.

    1. Thank you so much, have you found your true love yet?

  3. I read about this myth in a book and it seemed like a fantasy. The book was about a girl who can see the red thread of everybody except her thread, until she found her true love! This is a myth which makes you think that it can be truth and you can find your true love even if he or she is a hundred miles away from you. It is so beautiful!

  4. This myth is truly beautiful and intringuing, how many times do you think you can fall in love until you find the person with the red thread? Or maybe, do you think there is a possibility you'll never find this person?
