Friday 19 February 2016

When the voices of your head don´t know limits.

Example of famous people hearing voices in their head.

Robert Schumann, a famous music composer, spent the end of his life experiencing auditory hallucinations. Schumann’s diaries state that he suffered perpetually from imagining that he had the note A5 sounding in his ears. The musical hallucinations became increasingly complex. One night he claimed to have been visited by the ghost of Schubert and wrote down the music that he was hearing. Thereafter, he began making claims that he could hear an angelic choir singing to him. As his condition worsened, the angelic voices transmogrified into demonic voices

Joan of Arc claimed to hear the voices of Saints who were the force that guided her and was resolved to obey these messages as she believed they were sent directly from God. She first began hearing voices when she was thirteen.

Brian Wilson, songwriter, is afflicted with schizoaffective disorder that presents itself in the form of disembodied voices.  Wilson has said of the voices: "Mostly [they're] derogatory. Some of it's cheerful. Most of it isn't." To combat them, his psychiatrist advised that he "talk humorously to them", which he says has helped "a little bit".


  1. Have you ever heard voices in your head? When?

    1. Yes,both of us have heard our name whispered in our ears when we were alone in our houses.

  2. Why did you choose this strange topic?

    1. Because we think that it is something very strange, that almost everybody has suffered and it hasn't loads of scientific explications.
