Friday 5 February 2016

Fuel cell vehicles

Fuel cell vehicles

Fuel cells generate electricity from fuels such as hydrogen or natural gas. So, unlike traditional electric vehicles, which run on batteries and need recharged with power from an external source, the fuel cell vehicles generate their own electricity and store it in a battery until needed for use.
The main advantages of these vehicles are:
Its wide range of autonomy, of up to 650 kilometers per tank (usually compressed hydrogen gas).
His quick recharge: just takes about three minutes to fill the fuel tank of hydrogen.
Produce no emissions: hydrogen is clean burning, for fuel cell vehicles that run on hydrogen will only produce water vapor as waste, an important factor given the need to reduce air pollution.
The technology is about to hit the market. The initial price would be around $ 70,000, but is expected to fall significantly as volumes increase in a few years.


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