Friday 19 February 2016

The problem of sizes in the society

Size is one of the major problems that cause eating disorders is society. Socially value is not given to those people who do not meet the stereotype of beauty that marks advertising and fashion. At certain ages, such as adolescence, this can reach the exclusion in some fields. What really worries right now, it is that this issue is beginning to affect children.

In 2007 a law in which should unify the sizes and size 46 should be considered as usual size in conventional stores was signed, but it has not fulfilled. This caused a great inequality of sizes between stores. This difference is most common in large firms. Some important designers, if you want to buy something with the size "L" or maximum "XL", they double their price. Some advertising campaigns are protesting these standards of beauty. Also they are doing some parades with larger size models protesting this inequality.


  1. I think that this is a big society problem due to nowadays the appearance is so valorate and maybe we don't pay attention to the things that really are important.

  2. I agree with Vity, we should pay attention to this kind of problems and give help to the people who´s affected. It´s unfair;(

  3. I agree this is a so serious problem nowadays. How do you think we could finish with this situation?

    1. I think the solution can't be found in one day. In my opinion, the root of the problem is in the biggest clothes businesses, which transmit those sizes.

  4. It is unfair that the most important clothes shops only have the smallest sizes and people who have another size can't find their size and they need to go to another shop that only has big sizes. They should be all together to make people who have bigger sizes feel more accepted.

  5. Have you ever known someone with these problems?

  6. This is a very big problem of our society and nowadays is very present. I feel that the most guilty are the clothes' company who do the clothes very small and also, hardly ever had big sizes.
