Friday 5 February 2016


The beauty standards in the United States are among the most unrealistic and unattainable in the world. The ideal women in America is tall, thin, leggy, with big breasts, flowing hair, and toned body all while remaining healthy.
Media and advertising make this ideal body type seem easily attainable by working out “just 10 minutes a day” or by cutting a “few calories here and there.” The reality is we live in a time when nearly every model is airbrushed and photoshopped into the “perfect body.” 
Just look to Target’s recent “thigh gap” photoshop mishap for proof of this common practice. It’s clear the “perfect body” is quite elusive for most, after taking a look at the United States plastic surgery statistics which show 15.1 million procedures in 2013.
The number of women going under the knife for breast and butt augmentation procedures, with many patients citing “selfies” as a reason for plastic surgery, is continuing to rise as the cultural pressure increases to have a curvy but toned body.

Here you have a video that talks about female beauty around the world:


  1. Do you think that there is an excessive use of photoshop in these images where models are shown?
    By: Sara and María Luisa.

    1. Photoshop is very common nowdays and even more in models, however, in these pictures photoshop is not really used. Maybe it's used but here you have a better example of extreme photoshop:

  2. I think this article is totally real because media advertising shows us some standars that are almost impossible to take. But sometimes I find that society doesn't critize the correct aspect. From my point of view, the problem is not the thinness, because sometimes people are just like that and they can't do anything to change that. The problem is that your health would be at risk trying to be like that. Do you think that it could be a risk?

    1. Yes, when it comes to this topic there are always risks involved. As you say, it's not just the thinness, people can develop real illnesses like bulimia and anorexia, they evan can die beacause of triyng to get the perfect body!

  3. Why do you think people try to ge a "perfect body" which it´s sometimes unhealthy instead of accept themselves as they are just keeping fit?

    1. In our point of view, we are used to see these kind of bodies everyday: TV, Internet.. and we are imposed the idea that this is what is 'normal' and that is the only way to achieve beauty. That's why we try to be like them. Nevertheless, the real solution here would be learning to love ourselves just the way we are.

  4. Do you think that fashion will evolve from artificial bodies to real bodies with real sizes?

    1. Totally yes! However, there is still a very long way until we get there. We have to learn to love ourselves and when that happens, we'll be one step closer.
