Friday 5 February 2016


We have explain that subliminal messages can appear in songs but in the world of cinema it is also considered that there are many subliminal messages. 
We are going to focus in cinema. Here you have some examples about it:

This film includes several references to other Disney characters in a scene. The doll that is taking the little girl is a Toy Story’s character.

A113 simply refers to the number of the room where several of the animators learned their craft. It refers to a classroom at the Art Institute of California. It was the room used for character animation in the first year of graphic design.They learn many of the animators of Pixar and Disney (among others). When A113 written somewhere in the film, the animators do a nod to other colleagues who have studied there.A very interesting secret, but well kept!

In "Beauty and the Beast” film, Bella's father Maurice is lost in the forest and comes across a sign pointing to Valencia and Anaheim, Disneyland location.

 On the label of Jack Sparrow turban can be seen that it is from the brand “ADIDAS”. This is done for advertising and we receive this message unconsciously.

In this film’s cover you can see the word SEX.

In the picture you can see the numbers 666. These numbers are said to represent the devil.


  1. I have heard loads of different kinds of subliminal message but, in some cases, I think that they are just product of the imagination from people who believe that. Do you think that all of these "evidences" are real or just coincidences?

  2. Could you say me any example more?

  3. Have you ever seen one of them in a fiml you like?

  4. I´ve heard talk about the subliminal message of coca-cola in the ads before the film. It could be the same?
