Friday 1 April 2016



  •       Effective Communication

It is based in Oral and written communication skills. For instance good speech habits,good vocabulary and using right words.

  •       Listening

Good speech habits include being a good listener and not interrupting others when they are speaking. Listening skills allow you to comprehend and respond appropriately when someone speaks to you.

  •      Grammar and Vocabulary

Avoid using words that have ambiguous meanings or don't convey what you want to say. Use the correct tense of a word in a sentence and proper English. If you need to brush up on your English skills.

  •       Clarity

Be clear and unambiguous.

  •       Definiteness of Message

Message of the speech should be definite and relevant with the subject matter.

  •      Conciseness  

Be as concise as possible,in this way audience does  not  becomes impatient to long speech.

  •      Interesting

Make the speech interesting, various stories, examples, quotations and jokes can be cited. It is useful to include visual material with your speech. Such as maps, numbers, write them for all to see.

  •       Informal Touch

It should be presented in a personal and informal way.

Example of Speech

Barack Obama: 'Yes We Can'

That part of Obama's victory is due to his charisma is a fact. One strategy of US President is to show close to the citizens, so we've seen eating fast food in various restaurants in the country, singing Shake it off of Taylor Swift ... as a mortal more.

The 'Yes We Can' (January 8, 2008) not only became his campaign slogan, but inspired millions of volunteers and donors to join the campaign of then Senator from Illinois.



Speech is the vocalized form of human communication. It is based upon the syntactic combination of lexicals and names that are drawn from very large.  vocabularies. Each spoken word is created out of the phonetic combination of a limited set of vowel and consonant speech sound units. 

  • Speech is necessary for learning, interacting with others and for people to develop. Speech begins at an early age and it develops as a person ages.
  • The top uses of speech are: playing back simple information, call steering, automated identification, removing IVR menus and dealing with spikes in call volumes.

Tuesday 8 March 2016


In 2005 I was asked by a television director, Matthew Burgess of Making Time TV, if I believed it was possible for dogs to ‘commit suicide’. My immediate reaction was to reply that it was impossible for a dog to premeditate its own death. I discussed with Matthew that whilst many animals appear to be able to ‘sense’ that their death is imminent it is wrong to humanise a dog in terms of human behaviour. It is also true that some infirm animals are known to seek out a quiet sheltered place to experience a final resting place in what we would call a dignified end to life.

Called "the perfect place to die," the Aokigahara forest has the unfortunate distinction of the world's second most popular place to take one's life. (The first is the Golden Gate Bridge.) Since the 1950s, Japanese businessmen have wandered in, and at least 500 of them haven't wandered out, at an increasing rate of between 10 and 30 per year. Recently these numbers have increased even more, with a record 78 suicides in 2002.
Japanes espiritualists believe that the suicides committed in the forest have permeated Aokigahara's trees, generating paranormal activity and preventing many who enter from escaping the forest's depths. 
Contemporary news outlets noted the recent spike in suicides in the forest, blamed more on Japan’s economic downturn than on the romantic ending of Seicho Matsumoto’s novel Kuroi Jukai, which revitalized the so-called Suicide Forest’s popularity among those determined to take their final walk. (The novel culminates in Aokigahara as the characters are driven to joint-suicide.)
Locals say they can easily spot the three types of visitors to the forest: trekkers interested in scenic vistas of Mount Fuji, the curious hoping for a glimpse of the macabre, and those souls who don’t plan on returning.
What those hoping to take their lives may not consider is the impact the suicides have on the locals and forest workers. In the words of one local man, "It bugs the hell out of me that the area's famous for being a suicide spot." And a local police officer said, The workers must carry the bodies down from the forest to the local station, where the bodies are put in a special room used specifically to house suicide corpses.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

10 interesting facts about the Taj Mahal.

10 interesting facts about the Taj Mahal.

      *   It is estimated to have taken more than 22,000 people to build this impressive         building including labourers, painters, stonecutters, embroidery artists, and many others.

*   Built in memory of the Emperors third and most favourite wife Mumtāz Mahal, the Taj Mahal took 17 years to be completed.

*   It is said that the death so crushed the Emperor that all his hair and beard were said to have grown snow white within just a few months.

*   The four sides of the Taj Mahal are perfectly identical creating an astonishingly mirrored image on each side. It uses the principles of self-replicating geometry and symmetry of architectural elements.

*   The full height of the Taj Mahal is 171 metres (561 feet).

*   Many precious stones were ripped off from its walls by the British during the Indian rebellion of 1857.

You can see here a video with more interesting facts a sites of the Taj Mahal.

What is the Taj Mahal?

What is the Taj Mahal?

  It is an immense mausoleum was built on the orders of Shah Jahan, the fifth Muslim Mogul emperor, to honor the memory of his beloved late wife.

Built out of white marble and standing in formally laid-out walled gardens, the Taj Mahal is regarded as the most perfect jewel of Muslim art in India. The emperor was consequently jailed and, it is said, could then only see the Taj Mahal out of his small cell window. The white marble stone is inlaid with floral details carved from precious gems.  In places, the stone is carved into delicate vined screens called pierce work so that visitors can see into the next chamber.

Facts about Christ the redeemer

Facts about Christ the redeemer

v  This statue became one of the New Seven Wonders of the World on July 7th, 2007.

v  The statue is considered an icon of Rio de Janeiro and Brazil.

v  The right arm points to south Rio de Janeiro and the left arm points to north Rio de Janeiro.

v  Christ the Redeemer is the largest art deco statue in the world.

v  Christ the Redeemer is the 5th largest statue of Jesus.

v  The chosen statue is meant to show that Christ loves all and will embrace all that come to him.

v  The money to build Christ the Redeemer came from Brazil's Catholic community.

v  The cost in 1931 was approximately $250,000 US. Today that would roughly be the equivalent of $3.2 million US.

v  The stones that were used to build Christ the Redeemer came from Sweden.

v  In 2008 a violent electrical storm resulted in a lightning strike to the statue. The head, eyebrows and fingers were damaged. 

You will see a 360 degree virtual tour:

What is the history of Christ the Redeemer?

 What is the history of Christ the Redeemer?

The idea of placing a large Christian monument  atop Corcovado peak in Rio dates back to the 1850s, when a local Catholic priest requested funds from Princess Isabel to build one. The princess was not enthusiastic and the plan was scrapped.

In 1921, the Catholic Circle of Rio began to collect signatures and donations for a privately-funded Christian monument.

The statue of Christ the Redeemer was designed by local engineer Heitor da Silva Costa and sculpted from concrete and soapstone by Paul Landowski, a Frenchman. After nine years and a cost of $250,000, the statue opened to the public on October 12, 1931.

More information about Heitor da Silva Costa

Nitro Circus

Nitro circus is a live show where the stuntmans do all kinds of crazy things.Since opening it four years ago, the show has filmed around the world, breaking box office records and winning a multitude of faithful followers. It is formed by a team of specialists including Travis Pastrana and aaron wheelz who is a paraplegic specialist .Challenge thr  death jumping with coolers with wheels, surf boards, battery cars, doing backflips with two people...

On 14 October 2015, Bruce Cook after lost the use os his legs because of a trick. He returned to nitro circus by a triumphant manner. It was the first disabled person to do a backflip!

Tuesday 23 February 2016


The Sallie House, Atchison, Kansas

Once a doctor’s house, a little girl named Sallie died here during a botched appendectomy and her spirit has been here ever since.  When a family moved in during the ‘90s, this little girl began to create mischief, knocking pictures down, toying with electrical appliances, and leaving a trail of their child’s toys throughout the house.  This activity eventually escalated to a violent level, but while they originally thought it was the little girl that their child had seen, they inevitably learned through a medium that it was actually a middle aged woman responsible for the violence.  All of her malevolence was directed towards the male owner of the house, repeatedly scratching and gouging him, leaving deep red welts and scratching deep enough to cause bleeding and bruising.  After this entity shoved him and almost sent him careening over the railing of the stairs on the second floor, the family finally moved out of fear for his life.  These activities have been documented by several paranormal groups.

Kenmore Plantation, Fredericksburg, Virginia

This beautiful plantation house and its surrounding buildings were built in 1776 by Fielding Lewis. Lewis sank a lot of money into the war effort against Britain during the American fight for independence, and apparently his ghost is still concerned over the state of his finances.  He has often been seen sitting and going over his papers with a sour look on his face, and he has also been heard pacing the first floor hall very heavily.  



Paranormal, by definition, are phenomena and manifestations which lie outside of normal experience, and which can neither be scientifically explained nor proved. Despite the lack of support from the scientific community, which cannot disprove paranormal activities either, many people are interested in paranormal stories, and, for instance, like to visit haunted places.


  • Ghost: An image or sound that is comparable to an audio or video recording.  A ghost is simply the residual energy of a person or animal.  There is no intelligence within the energy – it’s a recording that replays over and over.  The energy may diminish in time but can actually recharge itself.
  • Spirit:  A spirit is the soul or a person or animal which has remained in this world after the death of the body. 

  •   PoltergeistParanormal activity centered around one individual (usually a pubescent child but can center on adults who are going through a great deal of stress). 
  •       Entities: This paranormal activity is associated with beings that have never been human at any time.  The entities can be good (angels) or evil (demons).  Most people confuse the intentions of a spirit to communicate as a demon.  Entities are very uncommon. 


Why  we dream that we fall?

When we fall in our dreams it really means we have lost control with some sort of situation in your life. Falling in your dream is a way your unconscious communicates with your conscious to let you know that something needs to be fixed right away. 

Dreaming that teeth are fallen

So much in the dreams as in real life, the teeth symbolize the force, safety, autoesteem and beauty. For it when we dream that they fall it wants to say that something of this fails. One of the most widespread meanings of dreaming of teeth that fall is of being afraid or to feel insecure before a recent change in our life, already be professional, sentimental or another type.

One of other most popular meanings of dreaming of teeth that fall is of presaging a death or  it can be synonymous of the growth and personal development.

Dreaming with the death

To dream with the death can be also a consequence of extreme weariness and physical depletion, which between other effects produces melancholy and disappointment for excesses in the daily life. This dream also is in the habit of happening after having lived with great enthusiasm for false optimism and big hopes, but failed all this; in consequence, the death only there symbolizes pessimism and depression passenger who will give place to new illusions and hopes. To be dreamed in agony hints that the suffering and the effort realized in his life will allow him to enjoy a better life in the future.


Since we are born, we are manipulated by advertising. It can be observed with subliminal messages and business manipulation that make us make decisions unconsciously by what we see or better said, what they want we to see. As well as trendy shops use resources to become more manipulable and make us consume what they want. The resources more used by these big companies are TV ads in which images and sounds get our attention.

Here you can see what we mean:


Business uses a variety of methods to entice buyers. For example:  
  • The smell used.
  •   Decorating colors also greatly influence because they make more attention to the things they want to sell for the highest price is paid
  • Another is through music. A fast music will make the customer, without being aware of it, buy more quickly, which can be useful in rush hours. If the aim, however, is that the client relax and use in buying time, slow music is an effective tool.
  • In the marketing of beauty using subjective images. Faces with attractive features and different baby faces attract more public and are consistently rated by others.
  •    Show special offers is a way to motivate the customer to make a purchase that was not provided.
  •    It is essential that the customer feels well served to come back to buy a property. In this sense, it is essential that the shop staff is friendly with the buyer, in the call in the box, information, etc.

When the decision is taken to start a business, one of the main questions with which the employer is locating the establishment is the ideal place. More often than we think, we choose a shop in front of any other of their location. Once located, the local should be on the right and that's because most people walk, unconsciously, by that side. 


Jellyfish Lake, EilMalk,Palau

Remember the jellyfish scene from Finding Nemo? That's pretty much exactly what Palau's Jellyfish Lake is like. Located on EilMalk Island, this marine lake is home to millions of jellyfish that slowly migrate across the water each day, following the path of the sun. Tourists can obtain a pass to visit the island and snorkel among the golden jellies and moon jellies. While these scary-looking creatures are actually harmless, be careful not to dive too deep into the pool—the lower level contains dangerous amounts of hydrogen sulfide, which can be deadly.


Harvard University is a private university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA). It is part of the Ivy League and is the oldest institution of US higher education. It has averaged about 6,700 undergraduate and 14,500 graduate.

Founded in 1637 under the name of New College of the college at New Towne. He renamed Harvard College in memory of his benefactor John Harvard, a young man who donated his library to the institution of 400 books and 779 pounds (which was half of its assets).

Harvard has a faculty only teaches undergraduate, Harvard College. The other 12 schools include graduate programs. Four schools are grouped in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, while the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study as a teaching center works apart from schools and colleges.

The library contains more than 15 million volumes, making it the largest academic library in the United States, and the fourth among the five "mega-libraries" in the world.

The Harvard Crimson are sports teams representing the university in the university competitions organized by NCAA, where they form part of the Ivy League conference.

Prices but not all universities and colleges, of which 4,000 are in the United States cost the same, attend a university like Harvard (although Yale, Stanford and Princeton are around the same price), is $35,000 per year.

The four years required for a degree undergraduate represent an investment of over $70,000, with the added cost of accommodation and food. In the United States, obtaining a master's degree requires between two and five years of studies.

Some celebrities who have studied at Harvard University:
1. Mark Zuckerberg. The creator of Facebook began studying psychology and computer but decided to leave due to the success of your social network.
2. Matt Damon. The actor began to study Literature, but he didn´t finish because he decided to dedicate the artistic world.
3. Natalie Portman. The Israeli-born actress studied Psychology. He is known for his ability to learn languages.
4. Barack Obama. The current USA president studied Law.

5. Tommy Lee Jones. The famous Hollywood actor won a scholarship to study Literature.


Teanupoo, Taiarapu-Ouest, Tahiti

Surfing is a perilous sport in and of itself, but the risk increases exponentially when Tahiti's famous Teahupoo wave becomes a factor. The top-heavy swells of the wave can reach heights of up to 21 feet, making it a popular destination for professional (and daring) surfers.
There have been five recorded deaths at Teahupoo since 2000, mainly due to the razor-sharp coral reef located a mere 20 inches below the water's surface.

Monday 22 February 2016


At this stage we often go to our friends in class and we have to socialize with other children who may not know.
We also changed the timetable,we have to get up early and be more hours in class, which can reach more tired.

We ran into an unknown world; where we are the least among young people up to 18-19 years and sometimes we may feel intimidated.

When you are completing courses this stage you start to ask yourself might want to do in the future; mainly we think in high school; but first come the desired setting, which ended an important stage of our life and begin a totally different cycle in which we deal with different challenges.


At this stage all want to have the maximum score for access to the degree you want.

We are all course thinking of that test because we have some fear from whom already have been made it, but there is no reason to fear if during the course we make an effort every day and never give up.

Everything is more difficult and requires us more so that we can be well prepared for our final test university entrance exam. 

 When we finished this course and that test, it´s time to leave school and think about everything we have lived there and about what we will do from this point, but that´s another story.