Friday 22 January 2016


  • The message is the subject of the communication that convey information. Communication process therefore provides for the participation of an emitter through a medium or a channel, transmits a message to one or more receivers.
  • Subliminal, meanwhile, is an adjective used in psychology to designate what is below the threshold of conscience. When the term is applied to a stimulus, you are referring to it by its brevity or weakness, it is not consciously perceived while it influences behavior.
  • The concept of subliminal message, therefore, refers to a message that is intended to be transmitted under the normal limits of perception. This message reaches the receiver, but he does not receive it consciously. It may be a sound or an image which the recipient receives unconsciously and that, despite this lack of a conscious process, you can modify your behavior.
Here you can see an example:


  1. Many people think that a powerful sector of the population control us in a lot of aspects of our lives, for examples "illuminatis", they decide everything. Could you say if is that real or not?

  2. That's completely true! We don't realise when someone is controlling us with subliminal messages or advertisements. We read some time ago in the internet about how, with the publicity which is before a film in the cinema, they introduced a frame or Coca Cola in order that we would be so thirsty at the end of it,that we'd want one. How can we make ourselves aware of what's subliminal publicity? Thank you beforehand!
