Friday 22 January 2016


What's black magic?

It is the combination of resources destined to become extraordinary powers with the main of dominate or control the nature or other people.

  • Black power is used to the individual's detriment or to hurt the entire world.
  • White power serves to neutralize the damage of black magic and act on behalf of the individual or the world.
Red magic or “hermatomacy” is a kind of magic whose principal aim is the utility of blood or other living tissues. It can also be done through sex. In some cases, it is oriented to sexuality, but in the majority of them, to manipulate those who do not know what they do. “Witchcraft".

Witch oil painting

Necromancy is the magic that uses the spell and control of demons, because that term means evoking the spirits of the dead. It was practiced in the court of the Pope and the King, until scholastics achieved ban.

More to come in the next post

1 comment:

  1. We are very interested in this topic because, although it is well known, we haven't got enough conscience about what it is.
    We would like to know if any of these types of magic has something to do with the rites that some tribes perform nowadays.
    By: María Luisa Cañones and Sara Domínguez.
