Friday 22 January 2016

Have you ever heard voices in your head?

Why do you hear those voices? 

You can hear voices in your head because of several reasons:

·   Voices as you fall asleep or wake up;  these are called hypnogogic and hypnopompic hallucinations, and are to do with your brain being partly in a dreaming state. The voice is likely to call your name, or say something very brief, or you may hear other brief sounds such as  a telephone ringing. You may also see strange things, or misinterpret things you can see, such as seeing a coat on a hook as a person standing in the doorway. These experiences usually stop as soon as you are fully awake.

·         Lack of sleep

·      Hunger you may hear voices if you are very hungry, or if you have anorexia nervosa and are starving yourself.

·       Physical illness – if you have a high temperature, and have become  delirious, you may hear voices, and see or say strange things.

·       Drugs – you may hear or see things as a result of taking certain street  drugs, or as a side effect of some prescribed drugs. You may also have these experiences when you are coming off drugs.

·        Bereavement – if you have recently lost someone very close, you may  hear them talking to you. You may also feel that they are with you, even though you cannot see them. This experience is very common, and can be comforting, especially in the early days of bereavement.

·     Spiritual experiences – some people experience a voice as part of a spiritual experience. You may experience your voice as that of an angel, a mystic or sage. This may be a very special experience for you, and you may feel that it helps you to make sense of your life. Or you may feel that you are possessed by an evil spirit and that is the voice you can hear.


  1. Talking about spiritual experiences, one year ago Maria Belmonte, the English teacher, told us that once in his college years, while she was studying she heard a voice calling her. Thinking it was her roommate, she went to see what she wanted. Just at the moment when she reached the bathroom (where her rommate were) she fainted. Thanks to Maria she wasn't given a hit to the head which could had been fatal. However, the rommate didn't call her.
    So, do you think it was a coincidence or a voice of an angel, a mystic or sage?
    By: María Luisa Cañones and Sara Domínguez

    1. The coincidences does not exist, so it could have been a voice of someone who protected her partner.
