Friday 29 January 2016



      On 23 January 1960, the Swiss-designed bathyscaphe Trieste, originally built in Italy and acquired by the U.S.Navy, descended to the ocean floor in the trench manned by Jacques Piccard (who co-designed the submersible along with his father, Auguste Piccard). 
        Their crew compartment was inside a spherical pressure vessel. Their descent took almost five hours and the two men spent barely twenty minutes on the ocean floor before undertaking the three-hour-and-fifteen-minute ascent. Their early departure from the ocean floor was due to their concern over a crack in the outer window caused by the temperature differences during their descent. The measured depth at the bottom was measured with a manometer at 10,916 m.
Bathyscaphe Trieste Piccard-Walsh.jpg

Lt. Don Walsh, USN (bottom) and Jacques Piccard (center) in the bathyscaphe Trieste.

More info about the person:

Maddness? What is that?

Travis Pastrana, is a motor sport racing driver who has won several gold medals in the X Games in the disciplines of motocross, freestyle and rally, apart  to overcome dangerous  feats and records. In short, he is the only person who is able to driving everything that has wheels and has 199 lives, as many people say.

The 26 September 2012, Pastrana climbed an airplane to perform the trick which he had been dreaming more than one year ago. Four members of his group were thrown with parachutes at 12,500 feet. Pastrana made the jump with sunglasses, a bathing suit, holding a can of Red Bull, and of course without parachute!.



Have you ever been afraid of clowns? Have you ever seen someone robbing in your neighbour’s house? Perhaps you have never listened to this story which happened in USA years ago.

A girl in her teens, is babysitting for a family in Newport Beach, Ca. The family is wealthy and has a very large house — you know the sort, with a ridiculous amount of rooms. Anyways, the parents are going out for a late dinner/movie. The father tells the babysitter that once the children are in bed she should go into this specific room (he doesn't really want her wandering around the house) and watch TV there.

The parents take off, and soon she gets the kids into bed and goes to the room to watch TV. She tries watching TV, but she is disturbed by a clown statue in the corner of the room. She tries to ignore it for as long as possible, but it starts freaking her out so much that she can't handle it.

If you want to know what´s going to happen next, see the video! Would you want to see a clown again?


Friday 22 January 2016


“Yesterday is History. Today is a Gift. Tomorrow is Mistery”

This sentence, could not say anything to you, but for millions of young all over the world, this sentence is everything. This is the slogan of Tomorrowland, an electronic music festival, which is set like in a fairy tale. It is celebrate every year in Boom, (Belgica) and that suppose the most important appointment for the lovers of this kind of music.

A unique event whose tickets, ranging from 88 and 165 euros for a day, and between 237 and 437 euros for the whole weekend.

What we don't know abaut ants..

Some curiosities about its

1-  It has checked that ants are the only animals who has the biggest brains in relation with its size, and it is also true that its brain has 250000 neurons. 

2-  It has calculated that ants are the 10% of the dough around the animals’ world.

3-  Ants are able to survive until 2 weeks under water. It is possible due to the anesthetic state, in which they are able to reduce its oxygen consumption between a 5% and a 20%.

4-  Ants are able to lift up 50 times its own weight and 30 times its volume of its body. When the size of an animal increase, its muscular strength decrease.


Have you ever heard voices in your head?

Why do you hear those voices? 

You can hear voices in your head because of several reasons:

·   Voices as you fall asleep or wake up;  these are called hypnogogic and hypnopompic hallucinations, and are to do with your brain being partly in a dreaming state. The voice is likely to call your name, or say something very brief, or you may hear other brief sounds such as  a telephone ringing. You may also see strange things, or misinterpret things you can see, such as seeing a coat on a hook as a person standing in the doorway. These experiences usually stop as soon as you are fully awake.

·         Lack of sleep

·      Hunger you may hear voices if you are very hungry, or if you have anorexia nervosa and are starving yourself.

·       Physical illness – if you have a high temperature, and have become  delirious, you may hear voices, and see or say strange things.

·       Drugs – you may hear or see things as a result of taking certain street  drugs, or as a side effect of some prescribed drugs. You may also have these experiences when you are coming off drugs.

·        Bereavement – if you have recently lost someone very close, you may  hear them talking to you. You may also feel that they are with you, even though you cannot see them. This experience is very common, and can be comforting, especially in the early days of bereavement.

·     Spiritual experiences – some people experience a voice as part of a spiritual experience. You may experience your voice as that of an angel, a mystic or sage. This may be a very special experience for you, and you may feel that it helps you to make sense of your life. Or you may feel that you are possessed by an evil spirit and that is the voice you can hear.


What's black magic?

It is the combination of resources destined to become extraordinary powers with the main of dominate or control the nature or other people.

  • Black power is used to the individual's detriment or to hurt the entire world.
  • White power serves to neutralize the damage of black magic and act on behalf of the individual or the world.
Red magic or “hermatomacy” is a kind of magic whose principal aim is the utility of blood or other living tissues. It can also be done through sex. In some cases, it is oriented to sexuality, but in the majority of them, to manipulate those who do not know what they do. “Witchcraft".

Witch oil painting

Necromancy is the magic that uses the spell and control of demons, because that term means evoking the spirits of the dead. It was practiced in the court of the Pope and the King, until scholastics achieved ban.

More to come in the next post


  • The message is the subject of the communication that convey information. Communication process therefore provides for the participation of an emitter through a medium or a channel, transmits a message to one or more receivers.
  • Subliminal, meanwhile, is an adjective used in psychology to designate what is below the threshold of conscience. When the term is applied to a stimulus, you are referring to it by its brevity or weakness, it is not consciously perceived while it influences behavior.
  • The concept of subliminal message, therefore, refers to a message that is intended to be transmitted under the normal limits of perception. This message reaches the receiver, but he does not receive it consciously. It may be a sound or an image which the recipient receives unconsciously and that, despite this lack of a conscious process, you can modify your behavior.
Here you can see an example: